Town of Athens Basic Info
Property Taxes
- Taxes are due once a year on September 10th. Bills are sent in July.
- If your mortgage bank pays your taxes, or if you use a bill pay service, please make sure they have the correct address!
- Tax rates: The State of Vermont sets the education tax rate and the town sets the municipal tax rate.
- Residents can apply for property tax credit using forms H-122 and H-144 when you file your state income taxes.
Participating in Local Government
- The town office is open Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 - 1:00. You are always welcome to stop in.
- The town has a five-member selectboard who govern town-specific matters
- Regular selectboard meetings are held on the third Thursday of each and anyone is encouraged to attend. Time is reserved for public comments.
- If you have a lengthy or involved matter to bring up with the selectboard, please contact the Town Clerk or Selectboard chair to have it added to the agenda.
- There are many committees who advise on various aspects of town functions. Committees are always looking for new participants! Reach out to the Town Clerk if you are interested in serving on a committee.
Trash, Recycling and Composting
- The town contracts for curbside pickup of trash and recycling
- See the calendar on the homepage for the weekly pickup schedule
- In order to have your trash picked up, it must be in the trash bags purchased from the town office. (Vermont State law requires residents to "pay as you throw.")
- Food waste is not allowed in trash. Most residents have their own backyard composting.
- Recycling pickup is free -- recyclables must be in clear plastic bags.
- List of items that can be recycled
- Burning trash is illegal. Dumping on the roadside or on your own property is illegal.
- To burn brush and wood, call the town Fire Warden for a permit: 802-376-9832
- All dogs must be licensed, in accordance with state law.
- Dog licenses are available at the town office and are due by April 1st each year.
- If you have an issue with a stray or uncontrolled dog, contact the town's constable.
Liquor Licenses
- As per a town-wide vote on March 4, 2024, Athens is no longer a dry town and does permit the sale of both wine & beer, and spirits
- Licenses for the sale of alcohol are via the Vermont Division of Liquor Control
Helpful Contact Information (Updated May 2024)
Dial 911 for all Emergencies
Brattleboro Memorial Hospital (802) 257-0341
Grace Cottage Hospital (802) 365-7357
Dartmouth Hitchcock (603) 650-5000
Springfield Hospital (802) 885-2151
Rockingham Health Center (Urgent Care) (802) 463-9000
Walgreens Bellows Falls (802) 463-9910
Messenger Valley Pharmacy (802) 365-4117
Poison Control
Northern New England Poison Center (800) 222-1222
Health and Social Services
Senior Solutions (802) 885-2669 / (866) 673-8376
Turning Point Addiction Recovery (802) 257-5600
HCRS (Mental Health and other Services) (802) 254-6028 / (877) 622-9444
Women’s Freedom Center (802) 254-6954
National Domestic Abuse Hotline: (800) 799-7233
Visiting Nurse and Hospice (888) 300-8853
Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 988
Youth Services (802) 257-0361
SEVCA (Various assistance programs) (802) 722-4575
Grafton Cares – Kate Bova: (802) 869-1527
Law Enforcement
Windham County Sheriff (802) 365-4942
Vermont State Police – Westminster (802) 722-4600
Green Mountain Power (888) 835-4672
VTel (802) 885-9000
Dial 911 for all Emergencies
Brattleboro Memorial Hospital (802) 257-0341
Grace Cottage Hospital (802) 365-7357
Dartmouth Hitchcock (603) 650-5000
Springfield Hospital (802) 885-2151
Rockingham Health Center (Urgent Care) (802) 463-9000
Walgreens Bellows Falls (802) 463-9910
Messenger Valley Pharmacy (802) 365-4117
Poison Control
Northern New England Poison Center (800) 222-1222
Health and Social Services
Senior Solutions (802) 885-2669 / (866) 673-8376
Turning Point Addiction Recovery (802) 257-5600
HCRS (Mental Health and other Services) (802) 254-6028 / (877) 622-9444
Women’s Freedom Center (802) 254-6954
National Domestic Abuse Hotline: (800) 799-7233
Visiting Nurse and Hospice (888) 300-8853
Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 988
Youth Services (802) 257-0361
SEVCA (Various assistance programs) (802) 722-4575
Grafton Cares – Kate Bova: (802) 869-1527
Law Enforcement
Windham County Sheriff (802) 365-4942
Vermont State Police – Westminster (802) 722-4600
Green Mountain Power (888) 835-4672
VTel (802) 885-9000
Regional Social Connections
- GROW SoVermont connects newcomers 1:1 with local hosts and puts on newcomers mixers across the region.
- The Southern Vermont Young Professionals hosts events and service projects for folks age 21-45 (“young” and “professional” both loosely interpreted).